Friday, December 5, 2008

Strawberry cheescake

It has been a while since I was here, I have been very ill with my back, it allows me nothing, some days I can not even walk, and others I have the energy of a new puppy, lol. The heat is starting to creep in to our lives with summer upon us now here in Australia. So what is a gal to do on a lazy saturday afternoon but eat strawberry cheesecake of course lol. So grab a fork and I will share it with ya.....:)

Cheers and Happy Pink Saturday to ya all.



Gabriela said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

What a yummy PINK post!

~ Gabriela ~

Glennis said...

I hope you feel better soon. Thank you for serving us that lovely cheesecake for Pink Saturday.

Best wishes!

Stephanie said...

Mmmm, yummy!!

Sorry about your back, hope you are better.

Happy Pink Saturday!



Oh gosh, I could finish that thing off without a plate! Yum!

Anonymous said...

What a scrumptious pink post..yumm-o. I hope your back gets better really soon. Have a great Pink Saturday and a lovely week.

Sondra Behne' said...

Cherry cheesecake is my favorite, I could eat it every day. I have never made it only store purchased...but it is still yummmmmmmy.

Do stop by when you get a chance and check out the pink contest we have going on right now @

Hope to see you there.


Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Debra.

I hope you feel better soon, and that you have all "puppy" days.

Karin said...


SmilingSally said...

I have spinal stenosis and understand back pain. I do hope that you get a bit better each day. Happy Pink Saturday!

Kingswood Food and Craft Market said...

Hey Debra,
Ohmygosh that looks soooo yummy!

Just popping by to wish you a beautiful christmas sweetie,

Love Shann xo

Fifi Flowers said...

YUM! Happy Pink Saturday! ENJOY! Fifi

Anonymous said...

That looks so yummy...makes me want a fork & a cup of coffee!

Stephanie said...

Feel better soon!!


KatCollects said...

I hope you are feeling much better soon!

Ellen said...

Seasons Greeting and get well wishes...yummy as cheesecake is my favorite dessert. Merry Christmas to you and yours...hope your feeling better for the holidays. :)EllenL

shaybert said...

Mmmmmmmm. And why is it half gone?!? Happy Pink Saturday! Blessings, Shay

Linda Q said...

Well sorry you feel bad, no fun.
Get well soon so you will be back "in the pink".
You are making me hungry with that photo, lol!

suesueb said...

hoping you feel better soon!! happy pink saturday and enjoy the cheesecake!

Anonymous said...

Sending you wishes for better health..& I'll take a piece of that cheesecake, please!
Happy New Year!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Oh I hope your back gets better..and I wished we almost had summer..Happy PINK Saturday ...hugs and smiles Gloria

Anonymous said...

I just popped in to check your new Pink Saturday post. I'll check again later.

Happy Pink Saturday.

Connie said...

Happy pink saturday, sweetpea. That looks delicious.

Shirl said...

Hello Happy Pink Saturday, that cherry cheese cake looks yummy, hope you feel better soon!
Happy New Year, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Anonymous said...

Well, that is just not fair! I want a piece! LOL! Happy Pink Saturday1

Anonymous said...

Oh My..i have my little plate and fork ready. How wonderful that cheesecake looks.Yummmm. Happy Pink Saturday and have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Just popped in to visit your Pink Saturday post. I hope all is well with you.