Spring time, I love spring time, it would have to be my favorite time, the birds are singing, the grass is green, the bulbs are coming out, and the sun is shining. I feel better, everything is just coming up roses lol.
Speaking of roses, I finished another painting, my second ever rose painting. I think though when it dries a bit I will add some more detail to it, I prefer to paint with oil, the only drawback is the time it takes to dry.
I am quite pleased with the way it turned out, I am working on a fence picket now and a wooden book, a knife block, and few other little items. As I need to do the main colour, let it dry a bit then add the detail.
But thats ok it gives me time to work on other things in the meantime. Like the two quilts I have yet to finish, and the mountain of cushion squares I have cut out ready to sew.
I would like to send a big hello and thankyou to all the lovely ladies that popped over to see me and left wonderful comments, I will get back to you all I promise, and when I can work out how to do it , I will add your blogs to my list.
Well thats it for tonight, a short and sweet post, I am off to have an early night, might do me some good lol, as I tend to stay up till the sun comes up most nights. I love taking my dog out first thing for his morning ritual, the sun is coming up and the birds are just waking up, the dew is on the ground, and the air is fresh and crisp and ready for a new day.
So what do I do then, yep I go to bed for a few hours. The dog is pretty happy about that too. He is such a mommys boy, he wont go to bed until I do, no matter what time it is. And he wont get up until I do, strange dog.
Night all you night owl bloggers, till tommorrow.
Cheers Debra.